Just a quick update. I've been speaking to Darren at the North West Gaming Centre where Blog Wars 5 will be held on 22nd June. Everything is confirmed for the day which is the first bit of news but the other thing is that as I mentioned at the time, all attendees get 25% off 40K stuff from their store.

As I understand it they keep a very minimal stock so what Darren has suggested is that if people email through their orders then he can hopefully have them ready on the day. Obviously be sure to mention you're playing in Blog Wars and that you'd like to collect things on the day. The deadline for doing this would be a week before the event. You can also order stuff on the day to be delivered to your home for free but I'm sure most people prefer to get their grubby mits on stuff in person.

I'd like to point out I'm not making any money from your orders, I'm not affiliated in any way. However, what I don't want to see again is another great venue go downhill as quickly as Maelstrom did. By buying models you're helping support venues so people like me can continue to run independent events. Don't get me wrong, they're not a charity, they're a business but I still think supporting them is important.

Personally I'll probably be ordering a pile of Eldar stuff from them as 25% off with no postage is too good to pass up. More details to follow. Remember to get those lists to me by Saturday 8th June!