Being an old fart gamer it immediately made me think of these:
GW seem to be on an even larger embiggening bender than we realised. With a new version of 40K Apocalypse just round the corner it's hardly surprising I suppose. Old fart that I am it's making me feel all weird again because these models are the stuff of dreams not reality, or at least that's how it all makes sense in my head. The very notion back in 1989 that you could get your hands on a 'real size' gargantuan of any kind would've been mind blowing.
I still find this massification rather awe inspiring. Admittedly the Khorne Blood Tractor or whatever it's actually called looks pretty ridiculous - I won't be getting one - I've got to say though that I sort of wish it was as utterly ridiculous as the old Epic models, with a Bloodthirster head, etc. (I guess not all dreams come true!).
I wonder if GW have something truly tempting up their sleeve for me...