Ok, so I haven’t posted in awhile, been busy with some dietary changes and some extra workout routines, haven’t had time for 40k. But, I’ve been following the blogosphere and thinking about the next year of 40k purchases.

I’m beginning to get a roadmap of the purchases I’ll be making. I have a backburner plan to do a pre-heresy army, a sort of slow, methodical project. Of course, FW’s shipping prices make buying a few hundred dollars’ worth a better deal. My only dilemma is what army to build. I had originally wanted to do Thousand Sons after reading Prospero Burns, but honestly I’ve lost interest in the color scheme and particular modeling theme. The book was great but I don’t think I could do something creative enough to stand with the brilliant 1k sons themed armies out there. If they do custom models for them, I will probably get a few to put in my CSM.

My first thought this time around was Raven Guard, but since my Dark Angels are going to be Angels of Vengeance, the thought of doing another primarily black army is depressing. I’m now thinking Word Bearers, but we’ll see.

So, besides my desire to have a pre-heresy army, I am planning to build 3 ally detachments: Grey Knights, Eldar, and Tau. The GK will be to go with my Angels of Vengeance, and I am planning to do Coteaz, an Assassin, 2 squads of Henchmen, and a converted Dreadknight that will look like more of a mechanicus construct. This will serve until/if some day we get a book that has an Inquisitorial force.

For my Tau, I haven’t really looked at the book, but they will be an allied detachment I can take with any army. I mostly just want a Riptide, I am considering all options. Most likely I’ll get a flyer as well, just to have it. For the Eldar, again I just want the big kit centerpiece unit, the Wraithknight, and I’ll grab the Crimson Hunter flyer, maybe some Harlequins (as I really like them), and probably a Farseer HQ, not sure about troops yet. I’ll need to see the book first most likely.

In addition to this, I’d really like to get a Baneblade, a Dreamforge Leviathan (the chaos looking one), a 2nd Tervigon (the actual model this time), a 2nd Flyrant (my 1st is the old metal model), maybe another Tervigon, and 2 forgefiends. This gives me a basic roadmap for what to do, I will build the Tau first, then eldar, and I am planning to use mostly 3rd party models for my Inquisitorial force.

I still need to finish up painting my CSM, I have begun basing them. I am still planning to take them to NOVA, I just hope I can get some practice games in!