Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Blood Bowl Troll  and he is TO DONE! Well, sort of.

He certainly was at this stage, or so I thought. I'd varnished it at the very least. I was overjoyed at the the repose I'd made and so much happier with it as an addition to my roster.

But as I mentioned It's the back I can't reconcile. The darkness of the scales bleeds into the darkness between them, making the whole ill-defined.

So, having taken these pics I decided I'd throw in the heavy red shade that would help make that definition between scales - if you can't go darker, go lighter!

Otherwise I was happy, although that varnish bubble on the Goblin's head was not something I was happy about 😫

The freehand 14 came out really well and the subtle green mildew made it look pretty cool alongside the rust effects.

The belly could have done with some more highlights I suppose but part of me likes how scrappy it is. Subtle nod to my Middenheim Marauders on his 'kneepad'.

His face turned out much better than I expected and now you can see it! The cut is practically unnoticeable on his left arm.

The extra couple of scales on the back and top hide whatever join is underneath seamlessly.

Very limited highlights on tabard, hope it doesn't look like a cop-out and the Porkbelly Stuffers cloth patch worked out OK too.

Some rust on the armour.

OK, so I took the plunge and washed his back.

Definitely happier with the result.

I like how the red picks up on the pink bits on the Goblin, ties the elements together.

Definitely the right choice and an important lesson that even after it's varnished I can still take a gamble. I'd already learned to take risks cutting the arm off even after painting it but this has been a great lesson in doing what needs to be done, even if it feels like a step backward. It's better to do it and be happier with the result than to be constantly disappointed with the finished article. To be fair though I have spent many TO DONEs saying that I'm just happier something is complete rather than because it met my expectations and I'm comfortable with 'finished, not perfect'. I guess it's about knowing when to take that risk and when not, which in turn is a decision and open to stalling a project... Who ever said this hobby was good for reducing stress?

And with that a GREAT Big RUSTY Stamp of Approval