As a northern Wellington might have said "There's nowt wrong with big guns".

The first two pieces of Field Ordnance, both heavy lascannons, are fully painted up in their mini-diorama state and, after a late shopping trip for undercoat, is the first of the Rogal Dorns.

There is a big pot of the AK Interactive Concrete Terrain paint in the background. This is what I have started using to provide basing to my larger models.  I'm finally running low on the chinchilla saand and it is so much quicker than waiting for two layers of PVA to dry!

In keeping with a 'kind of' Victorian aesthetic, I've plumped for an Ultramarine Blue Contrast colour scheme for the Ordnance crews.

Undercoated but with no other progress, this one is waiting for some Leadbelcher to pick out some details.