This is only the 10th Genestealer I have painted (if we discount the hybrids and Patriach). So, yeah, I just finished a squad, or rather a brood, of ten models. The first few were painted while I was still living in the U.K. way back in 1992.  Three decades for one unit... kind of impressive huh?


Genestealer #9 was finished last year and this critter was supposed to join him at that time but it just didn't happen.  So here we are now with the opportunity to get him done. I followed the steps discussed in Genestealer Killteam #2 with a few changes. 

Mostly done.

The biggest change was not using my ancient Citadel Worm Purple and instead using Xereus Purple and Genestealer Purple with a final highlight of Kakophoni Purple.  

Genestealer #10 and #9. 

He's probably not the best of my painted Genestealers, but in a large group he'll look just fine. 

"Fear not men, we have lasguns!" 

And, even with just a single addition, Hivefleet Neverness grows...