For a long time i desired to paint a Baneblade, so i decided to buy it and go to work immediately!

The box is really huge, with lot of detailed components for being an old GW kit

NOTE: to build it properly i suggest you use the spring clamps to hold firm the larger components!

I reinforced the hull with old pieces of sprue to manipulate it better during assembly

Initially i wanted to lengthen the barrel, but once completed i decided to keep the original one (it looks aestetically better)

The Baneblade is a model of incredible beauty... This is the comparison with other vehicles.

To highlight some details, i modified some components, such as this grid that covers the engine behind the main turret

Once chosen the sub assemblies, i primed with Vallejo black primer, then i gave the base color with GW Dawnstone, after that i pre shaded with LIFECOLOR Panzer Gray.

Once dried i added some details with GW Mephiston red, and i made the camouflage with LIFECOLOR Panzer gray,  then i applied a layer of semigloss protective to ensure that the decals adhere better to the surface of the vehicle

This is the result so far...

On pt.2 i'll start with highlights, details and my favourite step: the weathering!

Thanks for reading!!!