The first brood of ten.

The fun continues. Last time I finished off the first five guys in this brood, and now we have five more. Giving me a unit of ten fully painted Termagants. 

Focus on the pinkish parts of the fleshborer. 

One thing that I did to all ten of these models was to add some additional color to their fleshborers. On the tentacle and the ribbing (what else can we call this texture?) beneath the plate at the front of the gun I used slightly thinned Volupus Pink Contrast Paint. Painting that over the green creates an interesting, well, contrast effect that gives a gutty kind of vibe. I haven't decided what to paint the exposed organic ammo in the "clip" so I reserve the right to revist these guys whenever I figure it out. 

Force Ten for the biomass. 

I have twenty more of these models before I move onto the new termagant models from Leviathan and Space Marine 2 The Board Game. The next ten are the guys I made with the weird brain things on their backs. I don't think they have had any in-game function for a few editions now, but I like how they'll help me distinguish them from the first brood. And, yes, they have already seen combat. Expect to see these guys again in Part 5...

Twice the brains, twice the headaches. 

Until then, keep your bio-mass fresh!