Concluding the main army feature is the Abhuman contingent. There will be two more oosts featuring other elements supporting the Praetorians then it's back to the work in progress posts.

The Imperium is willing to turn a blind eye to the presence of non-baseline humans if they can serve a purpose.

The Ratlings have been a feature of the Imperial Guard since the Rogue Trader era although I have never owned any of the original models.

I still have five of the 2nd Ed models however and in some ways, they have been in my Guard army longer than the Praetorians. These models originally featured in my first Imperial army, the Mordian Iron Guard.

Models have come and gone and with the exception of the Bone'Ead in the Command HQ, the only Ogryns remaining attached to the Praetorians are these GW models converted with the sadly no longer available Ogre Pith Helmets from Curious Constructs.

Featured recently are the new version Ratlings from GW and below them, the extremely superior models from Victoria Miniatures.

 Wargames Atlantic now have a sci fi style Ogre known as The Vain for their Death Fields range and these will feature in a later post as they are not part of the Praetorian army.