Who has the Praetorian's' back?

Rogue Traders, Imperial Navy Breachers, Gaunt's Ghosts, the Ventrillian Nobles and a big convict gang.

I left out Rein and Raus from the previous muster but here they are in all of their Blackstone glory.

Rogue Trader Vane and her Startstriders.

A squad of Breachers likely providing support and Bodyguards for the pilot, Varrus.

The Ventrillian Nobles (version 2. The original ones are now with an eBay buyer in California) 

I may be looking at adding another two squads to this army and providing them with some armoured support.  This may involve a repaint of some of the Praetorian Chimeras and/ or Leman Russ tanks. Maybe even a Rogal Dorn if I come across a cheap resale.

Courtesy of Wargames Atlantic, I now have some Ogryns resplendent in fancy clothes provided by their Ventrillian overseers.

Here is an army that needs a plastic release when it comes to basic troops. AS covered earlier, the squads feature masking tape cloaks as inspired by one of Peachy's vids

Looking much better but definitely more expensive is this squad of Victoria Miniatures Border Rangers.

Left over from my early 40K days is the Arbites squad leader.  Why is he here? Probably assisting Schaeffer with gathering more recruits

Scaheffer is leading his Last Chancers select team but has another mob to winnow through to maybe find that key maniac who will ensure mission success.