As told in the most recent battle report, a lot of my tyranid force was damaged due to heat exposure. The damage was done mostly to their bases (thankfully) and only one model was truly damaged.  

Other models had their tabs warped and malformed when their base shriveled up around them.  I will talk about this a bit more below. 

It seems that the models that had painted bases were the ones that took the most damage.  This would become more apparent when tried to remove these warped bases. 

Even my old hybrid models were shown no mercy from the heat, as their bases were slightly warped as well. 

My old Primarch, Papa Claws, had some slight damage to his base. It looks like it was dented in a minor accident... I am trying to decide how to proceed with this model; do I replace his base or just smoothe out that dent with green stuff?

Once I got started on the repairs, it seemed to be a fairly straightforward process. Just clip off the damaged base and pop on a new one. 

But things became complicated when I got to the models that actually had painted bases. Not only were they shriveled up but the Slotta base tabs on some of them were severely warped as well. 

For a few of them I had to cut apart the tabs in order for them to mount properly into the new base. 

All-all this was definitely a new modeling experience for me, and not one I hope to ever repeat.