Hello Readers, thanks for dropping by. My latest addition to the insidious Cult is another Heavy Weapons Team, this time armed with Mortars for some juicy indirect fire. These add to the weapons the Genestealer Cult bring, a Lascannon Team painted last year.
These were also found on eBay and fit in nicely with my Cult. I repainted them all except the fatigues which had a nice cookie camouflage in the same base colours as my Kommando Khaki fatigues.
I added some GSC upgrade frame bits and pieces, the icon on the Vox Caster set, the communication head. Here you can see the Imperial insignia has been replaced on the right shoulder armour with a Cult Insignia.
These have a Cult knife and grenade set on the waist (can't see)
These have a head swap, a Cult Knife set and an icon on the Mortar.

Cheers, Siph (6pts)