Hello Readers thanks for dropping by. Today's addition to the Relictors Battle Companies and their Primaris type reinforcements is a Brutalis Dreadnought, a close combat variety of the Redemptor Dreadnought chassis. This was in the Strike Force Agastus box set.
This has twin chest-mounted Multi-Meltas for anti-tank, twin Icarus Ironhail Heavy Stubbers up top for anti-infantry or Aircraft (+1 to Hit) and the main arms are Brutalis Talons, like Lightning Claws as you re-roll to wound when Striking, or Sweep doubles the Attacks (well in 9th - I haven't check out the changes in 10th)
To mirror the Imperial Knights reactors, I coloured the housing as brass. The Talons I picked out in my usual Power Weapon blues, Kantor Blue washed Nuln. When dry, drybrush Kantor Blue, Sotek Green and Temple Guard Blue towards the tips.
I've used the new Relictor's decals so will probably have to revisit the Redemptor Dreadnought to match and re-do those decals too! The knee has an Assault designation arrow icon, as this beast is for approaching and assaulting the enemy up close.

Cheers, Siph (5pts)
Don't forget to check out this year's Dreadtober Event!