Welcome Titanseers and all, thanks for dropping by. After bemoaning the lack of carapace options for the Reaver Titan and having to convert my own TurboLaser Destructor and Vulcan MegaBolter converted from Warhound Titan weapons, and purchasing the OOP Imperial Redoubt Laser (*cough Reaver Titan but not ever released as) c'mon its a kit from 2006 and still only has one option and AT variants have several options - well, I came across a 3D printed TurboLaser Destructor clearly based on the design of the AT variant, so I got one of them too!
The kit was well put together, the supports all on the underside so a clean finish was shown on the top surfaces, the main body was three main parts, the shields separate and the mount and body are all magnetised so I can swap out the TLD with a converted carapace Plasma Blastgun when I get around to that, based on the Warhound weapon.
I painted the same as my existing Turbolaser Destructor with silver barrels and heat staining around the muzzle.
A beautiful sculpt/print.
A fantastic kit and I just wish FW can once again give Titans some love, now they have made Horus Heresy plastic range by main GW, it will free up some capacity to concentrate once again on the more niche large kits like Titans!

Cheers, Siph (5pts)