I kind of wish Age of Sigmar universe had a bit more uniform feel to it when it comes to design and the recent releases have actually been following this principle a lot better. If only the Age of Sigmar universe would have been introduced with aesthetics such as the new Flesh-eater Courts, the modern Stormcast Eternals, Kruleboyz and Vampires... Could have captured a few old hearts right from the beginning!
These fantasy figures were painted for a customer as a part of a bigger commission and we got to tackle the Cursed City for the first time. Great project to work on and the individual nature of the heroes in particular made them a very pleasant subject. We went for quite a fresh look with some stained off-white clothing and brighter colours, still retaining the gritty details in rusted metals and vivid verdigris features. The bases were toned down to create an earthy milieu.