Here we have the complete armoury for my four magnetised Wolf Guard Terminators. 38 weapons in total, made up of 37 arms and 1 cyclone missile launcher.

Thankfully they didn't take me anywhere near as long as I thought they were going to, otherwise I may have only done half the amount and then conveniently lost the other half.

The list of outstanding Space Wolves to complete for the army now stands at a solitary one and he is half way done already, so I am hoping that by the end of the weekend I will have all my Wolves done, almost 4 years after starting them!

In the mean time, here are some pictures of the Wolf Guard trying out some of their new weapons. Enjoy!

Here we have a terminator with cyclone missile launcher, storm shield and chainfist with his friend armed with a thunder hammer and combi-melta.

Next up its a combi-plasma and powerfist combination on one and assault cannon and power sword on the other.

Now we have a heavy flamer and powerfist termie alongside a dual wolf claw termie.

And finally we have your standard Wolf Guard terminator with storm bolter and power sword alongside his mate with a wolf claw and storm shield. Thanks for looking!