Had another game against Raven Wing last night.  This time I did not steal initiative.  He hit my lines hard knocking out 2 wave serpents and pinning one squad.  Being put on the defensive turn one, I screwed up my target priority with him breathing down my neck.  Everything looked really grim as I tried to consolidate my avengers into terrain and circle the wagons so to speak.

Big advantage to the Raven Wing is hit and run.  I could not tie up his models with my wraith knight and when they jump out of assault on my turn they get an extra 3d6 movement.  It was looking grim as by turn three I was down to a full unit of avengers and an unscathed wraith knight.  Was going to call the game there but I decided to see what kind of punishment the wraith knight could take.  I almost tabled him lol.  Through combat and assaults my wraith knight took down  all but 1 of a squad of bikers and 1 squad of raven knights and a command squad on bikes.  My avengers took down an attack bike and flubbed against his dark shroud.  Game ended on turn 6, he had 1 bike with plasma gun, 1 attack bike and the dark shroud left.  My avengers were still 10 strong and my wraith knight was down to one wound.  After the game I realized I forgot completely that the wraith knight has hammer of wraith hits as well lol.  Could have made a difference but c'est la vie.  My opponent played a strong game and out played me.

Man the raven wing is a tough nut to crack if you don't have first turn.  Especially the raven wing knights.  From here on in they are target priority number one.  Still like my wave serpents though so I don't plan on making any drastic changes in the immediate future except perhaps dropping my fire prism.  Perhaps its because my opponents have treated it as a large target priority is why I've found it underwhelming.  This could be a good thing.  But I can drop 2 fire prisms to pick up another wraith knight.  And that thing is simply boss.  I'm also going to start turning my mind to allies.  That is all I guess for now.