Macedonian Phalangites were a key part of the well-trained force that formed the Macedonian army, and helped lead Philip II and Alexander to many victories. Warlord Games has produced a plastic box-set of these spear armed elite troopers for their Hail Caesar war-game.

The box comes with enough bodies and parts to create 40 Macedonian troops armed with spears and shields. That's right, forty models. Four-zero. This is an incredible amount of plastic for £20. In other box sets you usually expect around ten models for around £20, and in some skirmish games, this can often be only five models. So right off the bat, you're getting a lot for your money.

The price you pay though is a lot of repetition. The box comes with ten sprues, all identical, as well as a transfer sheet. Having so many sprues be the same does limit customisability, but remember that this is a box of uniform troopers, so expect them to match in style and posing (as they are moving as a unit). Also, it is a very large squad, so it will be hard to focus on the individuals. instead, you will be awe at the size of this block of troops, which if my guesses are correct, you can make even bigger with more box-sets. That is one large block of men to fear in battle.

Now onto the models themselves. Each sprue comes with parts to make four soldiers, and comes with six heads, six spear arms and a pair of helmet crests, meaning there is some degree of customisability to the squad. The arms are part-moulded onto the model, which gives the impression of ease of assembly. That impression is correct. There are no instructions, but the arms are for the most part attached to the spears, so instructions really aren't warranted. There are only around four to five parts per model so there is very little to get wrong. Also, you want the unit to rank up together. Customisability brings such problems, I remember building a very beautiful unit of Warhammer Forsaken, but always struggled to get them to form up neatly. As with the T-34/85 I reviewed last week, the details are very crisp and a good indicator of the quality.

Warhammer 40,000 and Malifaux models shown for scale
purposes only. 

When put together, the models look very imposing with their spears and heavy-looking round shields. I worry that the spears are too flimsy to hold up to repeated use. I recommend extreme care, or for those who are keen modellers, replacing the spear shaft with brass rod. Mould lines were limited and easy to clear.

You'll notice that the models are not on a base. the box-set does not come with any sort of bases. Based on the box-art on the back, the models are meant to be set up on a large base, each one containing eight models in a two wide by four deep block. Theses big bases seem very simple to make though. You could easily cut a 2" by 4" rectangle from plasticard, wood, or even cardboard.

To finish up, this is a box set where you get a lot for your money. You may have to sacrifice things like bases, but the things that are missing are easily made. I'm going to score this kit with an 8.5/10. My main points are as follows:

-A lot of plastic for £20
-Details are clear
-Models are easy to assembly
-Fear factor! Big units will scare the opponent

-No bases
-Not much customisability
-Flimsy spear shafts, might break if not careful