Welcome Titanseers, and all, thanks for dropping by. I have now added some additional weapon options for Dominus Victoria, or any of my Warlords. I now have the option to swap out the Laser Blasters for some Apocalypse Missile Launchers for longer ranged firepower if desired. 
The missile launchers took the same colour patterns as the previous Warlord "Ex-Noctia" with white missiles and black rear armour panels.
I added some OOP Legio Astorum decals from the Forge World sheet, I still have some for the next few Titan builds which is great considering the price they now go for is about x10 the RRP...
I tried out some new white paint pens I got from Amazon for trying my hand at some star maps type motifs, these took one take and look great, the paint pen worked great. I traced around a few plastic lids and along the edge of some masking tape to achieve the lines. Tricky but worth it. I'm already planning using these more on Warlord number 4.
As usual the trim was Vallejo Brass and washed Reikland Fleshshade.
Dominus Victoria Walks with new-ish armaments of Mori-Quake Cannon and the latest Apocalypse Missile Launchers
Rather nice indeed...
And here with the selection of the options I now have for my Warlords, all are magnetised and interchangeable between all Warlords.

Cheers, Princeps Siph (10pts)