Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I’ve been playing MESBG again at Warhammer World! 

Here’s my warband 

  • Durbûrz
  • 2 Goblin Captains
  • 4 Goblin Prowlers
  • 17 Goblins [of various loadouts]
  • 3 Cave Trolls [2 with hammers, 1 with spear]
Chris Charles was my next challenge, who just happened to be the Warhammer World event organiser. He had an Isengard list with Saruman and Lurtz with 10 Uruks, a berserker and an Isengard Troll. We were playing the Lords of Battle mission [again] – which is scoring points from wounds caused. I managed to set up quite well, with my 3 trolls in a huddle so I could ultimately try and bundle the Isengard Troll. However, first turn I was out of range, so all three threw rocks at it, 2 of which hit and wounded! One more and it was gone. The rest of my warband tried to make ground but hold a defensive formation.
But Saruman came in on the left flank so I had to stall what I could and get the Trolls into the Isengard Troll. I lost the duel and was pushed back.

I think Saruman was trying to blast away I think he might have done some damage.

The trolls just couldn’t win in this fight.

With his Uruks holding firm Saruman moved out of harms way and I continued to try and take down the bigger Troll. I think Lurtz was getting in on the action too but I don’t think I was successful facing him either.

I lost again with the Trolls and took 2 wounds on a Hammer.

Another round of combat, I’d lost a troll and took 2 wounds on the other Hammer troll but somehow I managed to take the Isengard Troll down. I think I’d shot into combat a few times and killed my own units – a win-win because if I killed them then Chris wasn’t scoring points.

Time was running out and I’d spent far too long on the Troll/Lurtz roadblock while Chris had just been racking up points taking out my soft little goblins. As the game came to an end I was broken, had scored less kills and Durbûrz was injured.

Chris had won 7:0, so at least I was being consistent. Annoyingly I was sure I’d done all I could. I got the Trolls in the right position and had been using the spear in a spear-support role. It would turn out I’d been playing it wrong though – he only adds one attack, not all three to the duel. But Chris confessed later on he’d been playing Saruman’s Sorcerous Blast wrong. It would have made zero difference either way and as I always say it’s vagaries of the warp on the day. It was still a great game, my main mistake was targeting the wrong units – I should have been laying waste to his Uruks with the trolls. Even then the dice were not on my side

On to game 3…