Work has slowly progressed on these stunties. The Santa theme has now been thoroughly eliminated. The only miniature I kept with a white beard is the standard bearer, although I toned it down with a Nuln Oil wash. I will likely give his beard another highlight of white before he is truly done.

I bet that's noisy when it's windy. 

Most of the other beards were painted using an assortment of colors and techniques. I wanted variety amongst these guys, the idea that they're all the same age or whatever seems a tad absurd to me. There are a few guys with gray bears but I used differ tecniques on each one to attempt to create a subtle difference between them. Here's three examples of that, however I failed to take note of which technique was used on which model. 

Slowly but sure I got the unit up to a standard I was pleased with, and I think they look good massed up in a big unit. Obviously I still have to deal with the bases. And there are also a few more areas I want to tweak a bit. 
Insert champion into gap. 

And now attention must be drawn to this guy, the unit's champion.  This guy is painted in some, um, interesting colors. Garish might be an appropriate description. The trim on the armor is painted in metallic green, his beard is painted in metallic blue, the bright red is ever present on the cloth parts of this model and it's also present on the Warhammer as well. I'm assuming it's intended to represent blood. Maybe when this model was painted Blood For The Blood God was out yet? 

Gleaming with grudges. 

I plan on painting directly over this existing paint job just as I did the rest of the unit. But I think we'll cover that in Part 3.