Welcome back all you fine folks!  I've been busy trying to make this Chaos army table ready, adding bits here and there to fill in gaps and weaknesses wherever possible.  This week I was able to add in some walls and a gun to act as a Aegis defense Line and a Quad-Gun.

As you can see I've kept it fairly simple.  The Aegis was pretty easy to make, building up each of the tall and short portions of the wall and replicating them using resin was really easy.  The Quad-Gun I used the las cannon barrel I made for the land raider while much of the rest of it was made using left over copper pieces from a random assortment of metal tubes and such I picked up.

That's pretty much it for this week  It's looking kind of busy for me in the next few days so I hope I have a good update for next Sunday.  Hoping to have some coloring added to the Land Raiders, so stay tuned!