Hello Titanseers, another great Forge World Titan on the workbench. This was a rather nice find on eBay as a rescue Titan. The previous owner fortunately (for me) had got about 99% completed before disaster had struck and the titan came apart, probably from a fall or a joint failure. Losing hope they put it for sale I think and I picked up a bargain.
Now this is entirely speculation based on what I can see, a repair job in the sockets, greenstuff useage and obvious failure caused by ill-preparation of building the titan - no joints have been surface prepared or stripped of paint - if you do this the only thing the epoxy or glue is bonding to is the thin paint layer. Hence it looks like that caused failure, above you can see the layer of epoxy I peeled off with ease. I was able to twist apart most pieces.
The original Titan was painted like the Forge World promotional Titan (which can still be found in Warhammer World) in traitor Legio Fureans colours so I will be using a little of this preserving the flames on the toe armour but altering this to Legio Astorum colours. The rest of the Fureans scheme will be obliterated for the loyalist Legio Astorum blues and golds.

Cheers, Princeps Seniores Siph