Hello one and all!

Up this week for your viewing is my next Warlord Titan, however I'm pushing the boat out and going all in for a PSI TITAN! For this, I will be doing bespoke 3D printed parts for the Titan, including armour plates, weapons and crown.

The build was ok, with the model pinned in all the places possible to help support the model. I have printed a portion of the Warmaster carapace for the Titan to be standing on. 

I've opted for a colourshift paint for the armour panels, using a matt black base, then a gloss, then several passes with the colourshift. The plates will also have silver trim, which I think will fit better than a gold scheme. 

So far the model has Apoc Missiles for the carapace, but I might also print some gatlings if the Titan is to be used 'more upclose' 

I've also printed a Volkite and a C-Beamer for the model, as well as a CC option.. more to follow soon.. LH