Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity it's #DreadTober2024 and I need to get my hobby mojo back on and get some painting done.

My pledge this year is my Norn Emissary/Assimilator. I've had this for about 10 months now and it's about time he got finished. He'd pretty much been built, based, primed and base-coated months ago but I then decided he would be for DreadTober and also I'd magnetise the Assimilator arms and head which was something of a challenge.
It was such an afterthought it was quite difficult to get it done, but this is my usual starting point for DreadTober for me. Everything else takes just so long to do and this stuff is so tedious it needs to be out of the way to give me any chance of getting it done by the end of the month.

Another issue was that I dropped it at some point and didn't realise his tail spike had snapped off. obviously that piece is no lost for all eternity so I used a Carnifex spike to replace it. I'm hoping that this will be the easy part of the challenge. I mean it's big, but it's not High Rule Dude big, like last year's pledge.

Now, because this was technically done last hobby season I need to break out the old Bloody Great Big Bloody BIG BUILD Stamp of Bloody BUILD Approval as well as the Bloody Great Big Bloody BASE Stamp of Bloody Approval for one last time.

The first time I joined in DreadTober was 2017 and I painted 2 Genestealer Cult Sentinels and look what I have as my 'stretch' goal - 2 Genestealer Cult Sentinels.

As you can see all prepped and ready to go. It's actually worth noting that these might be far more of a stretch than they appear. Sure, last year I did a massive Tyranid monster and two Screamer Killers for my stretch - 3 much bigger models. But they were all the same colour palette so it was very easy to keep the flow going.

Here I have a very different palette and although the models are significantly smaller I really do pack in a lot of techniques to make these grungy and weathered. Although, perfection isn't 100% necessary because of that weathering so they may actually be very quick

But I had a bit of fun building the 'armoured Sentinel cabin'. I had the cabin frame but none of the panels. So, I cut up post-it notes to create templates for the panels between the frame sections. Then I stuck the shape to an old credit card and that became the armour plating. Then I used the template again on cereal box card, but cut it 1mm inset, to make the additional armour plate. 

Drilled holes in the cereal box card for added detail and then used a superglue tube spacing ring to make the roof hatch, with a drawing pin, bits of card and a cocktail stick. I'll probably never use these in a game, so it begs the question why I'm actually doing them but I really enjoyed painting the first two in 2017 so hopefully I'll get a thrill from doing these.

And this gives me the first Great Big Wooden BIG BUILD Stamp of Approval for the hobby season

As well as the first Great Big Wooden BIG BUILD Basing Stamp of Approval