Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been using to autopost my blogposts to my other social platforms since September 2017. As time has gone on the amount of channels has been reduced and I was left posting to Twitter and Threads. Now I was only posting to Twitter to prevent my username being recycled. The platform itself is too depressing so I rarely engage with it now. However, Threads feels like a much more pleasant experience, so reposting my blog there made even more sense.

However, I recently discovered my new articles weren't being reposted. Initially I thought this was some permissions thing. Back in the day Facebook needed to update permissions on a monthly, bi-monthly schedule, but it wouldn't always remind you so often they wouldn't get posted for weeks on end.

Well, it turns out that's not the case at all. Those folk at dlvr have finally had enough of us freeloaders and their starter plan now costs $4.99 a month! Trying to find a free alternative has been challenging, not least because sending an RSS feed to socials for free is not high on the list of tech goldmines. But I eventually found this article:

It uses buffer and IFTTT to achieve the same thing. It's a little convoluted but I'm hoping I've got it to work, this is something of a test. The big difference is it's not immediately responsive, you have to tell it  when to check, but you can schedule that multiple times a day to help cover your posts. I usually schedule my posts around lunch time anyway so setting a few checks between 12 and 1 should cover it 🤞 

Currently it's also free, but that's not without a catch. IFTTT only allows you to have 2 free applets. I don't know if this applet with service whichever feeds I plug into buffer or if I need to do an applet for each platform - I guess we'll find out. Currently I already have an applet set up for a security sensor in my shed, although it's not been active for a while. It does mean I'm at the limit of my applets and any new ones means I have to archive and old one. It's a little frustrating but even if I needed more it's $2.92 a month rather than $4.99.

Anyway, if anyone blogging had also come across this issue, or wanted to start doing so I just wanted to share how I've addressed it in the hopes I can automatically post again to those platforms. Here's hoping...