Afternoon #Warhammer Community I've been #PaintingWarhammer it's #DreadTober2024 and it's  turquoise highlights. Overall I am much happier with my results than I was in previous posts.

I still feel I'm not at the standard I wish I was but the results look pretty good and I think it's finally coming together for me. I also added in the pink brain tentacles, I didn't want to go red on these and actually have so far painted the Neurotyrant and Neurolids the same.

Close up of my paint strokes. I am going to add some minor third stage highlights in places. Although I'm happier I am less confident I will get it done in time. It just goes to show how important those head starts have been. I wasn't kidding, I know my pace. In some respects I'm surprised I got this far, even though it's much smaller than last year's pledge.

We'll just have to see how I get along.

I added the final set of highlights to the turquoise and started on the red fleshy bits.

This has had 4 sets of highlights! I know, ridiculous. But I looked back on my Screamer Killers and I did a Heavy Red base, shade, Heavy Red highlight, Mephiston Red, Bloody Red and Bloody Red/White highlights. So I had to repeat.

The base in particular is starting to come alive with this.

The face too is more expressive, although the brain matter has been left red as it will all be glowy. I'm thinking orange and yellow like my last Zoanthrope update. There is going to be green glow on the vents and some of the toxic areas so the psychic ability needs to be something else and I'd rather not confuse with the blue 'plasma' from the Screamer Killers.

Hard talon black highlights next and then the glow.

I just think I'm running out of time. I think I have a couple of weeks effort left and the Sentinels haven't been touched since my last update. I'm not going to rush it though and be disappointed with the finished result. I'll do my best.