Today we're going to look at a piece that languished in the vault here at the Wargate for quite some time before someone dug it out and painted it.  It's a set of Games Workshop Urban Barricades and Walls for Warhammer 40,000 that we obtained shortly after it's release, but for some reason it wasn't even broken out of the shell until just a little while ago.  These are now some of my favorite pieces, they just add that nice bit of embellishment to the board that makes it come together.

Captain Video took these home and painted them up.  From a plain black basecoat, he drybrushed these up to match our "gothic black edifice" motif and they even got the Quickshade treatment.  Now these pieces are popping up on all the battlefields!  Big thanks to the Cap'n for taking the time to help us build the terrain collection.  Sad thing is, this isn't the only piece that was in the vault...but only one.

Still, this is one set from Games Workshop that I might be inclined to acquire more of.  Aside from one (the one with the wrecked Astartes bike) they fit with any game where guns are involved, especially Warmachine.  It might cast a grim pall over Flames of War battles as well!

In other news, Jerry Wargate has donated a fantastic digital Handycam that we will be using from now on.  I have a few pics already taken that I will use in future posts, but from here on out you'll see a marked increase in model photos and they'll (probably) be a lot finer in quality.  Again, thanks to Jerry for his continued support of the club.  For it to come together, you have to make it happen.  He's been there all the way for us.

If you are a Gate Keeper, be sure to vote on the new games coming up next season.  We're attempting a new outlet here - we now have a Facebook page!  I encourage everyone who wanders over there to answer  any questions posed, since we'll actually be taking it seriously when planning out next years' schedule.  It's new, but we'll be adding a lot to it from here on out.