So here is what the board looks like now that I fixed it.  I'm happier with this than I am with how the train wreck prior came out, but still angry, haha.  I added some grass clumps sporadically around, and I have some leaves from Secret Weapon Miniatures as well to add, but I need to figure out what I am going to do with those.  I bought their Fallen Leaves - Fall Mix, which has a beautiful color that I REALLY wanted to use, but the board turned out much lighter than I imagined, and I'm actually rather please with the general color scheme.  They have some lighter colors that I coincidentally carry in my store, so I might have to snag one or two of those and try them out.

I based this with a dark brown from Minitaire Airbrush Paint, and then I used Dark Earth, Clay Brown, and Burning Sands pigments from Secret Weapon Miniatures in successively lighter dustings.  I love working with their pigments, and a project of this size gave me a LOT of practice on using the pigments.

For the trench line I based the bottom with a dark grey, followed by a dark wash, and then any dirt colored pigments settle where they may.  This allowed it to get dusty and dirty in a manner that appeared random as opposed to something that would have looked too forced.  Once the wash was dry, I dipped my finger in SWM's Metallic Iron pigment just enough to get some on my finger tip, and then I rubbed my finger pretty forcefully across the floor of the trench to pick out the raised edges and the nuts and bolts with a metallic tinge, since they would have been worn to a more metallic sheen through continuous use.

Anyways, this is what I am working on hobby wise, and I am also putting together an 1850 Ork list to break up the monotony of doing clean color schemes.  Here is what I am in the process of building:

Wazdakka Gutsmek

10 Lootas
10 Lootas

6 Warbikers with Nob w/ Big Choppa
6 Warbikers with Nob w/ Big Choppa
6 Warbikers with Nob w/ Big Choppa
6 Warbikers with Nob w/ Big Choppa


Battlewagon w/ Killakannon
Battlewagon w/ Killakannon

So that's my 1850 list.  Terribly exciting, I know, but I think it should play well enough.  The 4+ cover saves on the bike are silly, as are the number of shots I can throw out a turn.  Anyways, I need to finish my work for the day, so I'll post again soon...ish.