This weekend, I'll be attending Blog Wars 5, so I'm posting up my list for anyone who might be going to get a look at and be ready for.  Blog Wars is 1850pts, and a Special Character is required for your primary force.  Your special character counts as a scoring unit in the games, and gives up an extra Kill Point when he dies, so is pretty important.  I hadn't read those bits of the rules pack last time I went, so thought I was being really clever that time taking Trazyn the Infinite, as he counts as scoring.  Of course when I did read the pack, it made my choice a little less useful.

I'm taking my Necrons again, mostly because I just haven't got enough One Force to make a full list, and I have yet to play with my Wolves in 6th and the army is still very much in its 5th Ed guise, and I wouldn't even know where to start to bring it up to scratch.  I'm using an expanded version of the list I took to Throne of Skulls, and I've swapped out the Scarabs as they weren't the most useful unit last time.  I'm still avoiding any use of Destroyer Lords, Wraiths and Flyers though as I want to see a Necron list without these continue to work.  As such, my list is:

Imotekh the Storm Lord
   --  Despair Veil Cryptek
   --  3 Desctruction Crypteks

10 Immortals with Gauss
9 Warriors in an Ark
9 Warriors in an Ark
15 Warriors

3 Heavy Destroyers
3 Heavy Destroyers

3 Annihilation Barges

It's pretty much all fully painted from my previous trips to Blog Wars and Throne of Skulls, but I'm currently converting the Gauss Cannon's from my painted Destroyers into Heavy Gauss Cannons to be as WYSIWIG as possible (I'll be using my generic lord as Imotekh).  You can see the pic below how I'm extending the Cannons and rebuilding the energy beam effect, hopefully I can complete construction very soon and get them painted on Friday ready for Saturday morning.

The wire can be damnably spiky when you are twisting it about, let me tell you.
Hope I'll see some more of you all on Saturday.