Not much to say this week.. but before I left for my work trip this week, I was starting in on the Dark Vengeance Chaos Chosen models. They will be painted up like Word Bearers hence the red armor with silver trim.

I have to say that there is a lot more details to these guys than I first realized. And some of the connection parts while assembling created some major gaps. Though even with the gaps, I did not fill them. Gasp! Ack! For shame you might say!... Fair enough... but I play to use those gaps as battle damage, and add rust etc to them instead. Easier to deal with, and hopefully gives a nicer look to the end model.

You can see below the whole gang lined up and waiting paint originally..

I am only really starting on the main chosen models, and leaving the leader and the lord/hero models for last. I will do a bit more work on them due to the cloaks and other pieces on them. So best not to set them up for line painting with the rest then.

Hope to get more work on them over the weekend.. will see how that plays out though as usual..