While much furore has been made over Games Workshops release of the Iyanden Supplement, I happen to think its a decent idea. Ok, so the price is a little steep but I presume theres a lot in there for dedicated collectors of the Iyanden Craftworld to garner from. In White Dwarf 247, from 2000, there was an article about collecting Iyanden. I thought it would be a good idea to scan this and post it up, while the prices are often compared with what we had back then, it rarely happens with rules and models for example.
So here it is, all images and trademarks are of course owned by Games Workshop, but I hope some of you pointy eared lovers will appreciate the old article on the Ghost Warriors.
I hope you enjoyed the trip down memory lane, or even your first experience of such an article. If anyone has any requests on artlics from old White Dwarfs then let me know, I have them all from about 180 onwards, and as long as GW doesn't mind I'll post anymore I think are useful.