Welcome back to the Gate!

This season is our third Warmachine campaign, marking a full three years we've been pursuing armies here at the club!  As you might know, we don't really stay with the trendsetters as we're really just too caught up in our own thing...which is why I'm only now penning this article outlining these newer unit types for the club. 

Today's spat of words is a continuation of an older article detailing Warmachine Unit Types.  We went over the basics in that article, and today I'm going to make sure all the Gate Keepers know that in spite of how we've been playing, Privateer Press continue to make awesome updates and add new things to the game we all really enjoy.  The business model they have embraced goes a long way to making Warmachine one of the top games here, and who knows what the future may bring?

Now, a look at Battle Engines and Colossals.  These have been added in Privateer Press's yearly updates to the game.  If you didn't know, each year (usually during the summertime) a new volume is added to the game that details new models for each of the factions.  Battle Engines were a gift from 2012's Wrath supplement, and Colossals were added in the expansion of the same name last year in 2013.  Both of these unit types represent rather large machines of destruction, dwarfing the other units. 

We've added units from these books to our armies, but we haven't actually added any of these big pieces.  There may be some stigma for our club regarding large models like this, but that's mostly because of an entirely different company and their questionable business practices and disregard for customers.  We have deliberately avoided the huge units for years and years now, but mostly since no one - not a single, solitary one of us - think that a tank for a battle game is worth hundreds of dollars.  However, thanks to Privateer Press... we might get to see some serious majesty on the game board.  Battle Engines and Colossals have special rules all their own, but these integrate with the base game completely and nothing seems out of balance.  

Privateer Press, like Battlefront, take their game seriously and realize that the competitive aspect is one of the main draws of the game.  Here at the Wargate, we're gamers first and foremost...modelling is a distant second or perhaps third priority for some of us.  We appreciate that they take the time to make sure that everything works together well and no one is penalized for not possessing the latest super weapon.  Kudos, guys.  You've earned our trust and admiration, and we'll show that with our wallets.

Khadoran Gun Carriage, Battle Engine.
Battle Engines are large machines of war that run the gamut from horse drawn carriages to strange electrical walkers.  They are autonomous - your warcaster won't have to allocate focus, and the army's officers can focus on their own troops.  Battle Engines cost about as much as many heavy warjacks, and can effectively fill the same role in your army.

Though they are on par with heavy warjacks, they'll cost a few more bucks.  If you're looking for a large unit for your army or just want to paint something large and imposing, this is a more cost effective way to add one than a colossal.  The models are fantastic, and the tactics that could be devised with such an asset can drastically change how your army works.

Cygnar's Stormwall Colossal compared with a heavy warjack and warcaster models.
Colossals are just that - the Warmachine answer to a certain style of giant model made popular (and insanely expensive monetarily) by another company.  However, there is a much stronger appeal to we Gate Keepers for these units.  It will set you back about a hundred dollars (USD) give or take, but it's made of resin and metal and they look absolutely awesome on the battlefield.  If you're in the market for a ridiculously sized monster of a unit, you've found what you are looking for.

Colossals behave exactly like a warjack does, but basically is the equal of two heavy warjacks and has the points cost to match that.  In fact, though each one's rules are different and a certain subset of rules apply to the colossal, they are pretty much exactly that - two heavy warjacks in one.  You'll have to make allowances for that...or plot the list entirely around an approximately twenty point monster - which has a certain appeal to it as well!

As we continue campaigning in the Iron Kingdoms, you can expect to see more varied unit types.  We take things painfully slow around here, but don't worry.  More players are joining the fight in the Iron Kingdoms, and more armies are being raised for the battle.  For this year's release, Warmachine gains a new faction - The Convergence of Cyriss!  Our campaign is drawing to a close, there's only one more week left!  Get in those last hits on your opponents and gain as many points as you can to obtain the narrative and bring your army to the fore of our ongoing story!