So a while back I entered another contest from another blog that was celebrating their 300th follower milestone. This site was, and here is a link to the contest!

OK, so it was a while ago, but due to a lot of issues with their server, and losing data on some of the winners I had to wait a bit longer. Cannot really complain though, cause well free loot is free loot! To complain about how long it takes to arrive is just petty.

So what did I get? As you can see from the link I had a choice of a steampunk Alice or the OOP Collectors Dwarf from GW. Since I am not the biggest fan of dwarfs ( am more of a greenskin player myself! ), I opted for the Steampunk Alice from Guild of Harmony.

The above is the original master model prior to being sent to the casters as you can see the metal pieces sticking out on it.

Now it says it is a 32mm model, but it is damn small. I will do a proper review of it soon, but I am going to have some serious trouble painting this up though! Though it will be a nice challenge, so maybe it will turn out OK in the end? Below is a shot of the studio paint job..

Quite the paint job, and the base that goes with it! I mean the freehand alone on this model at this size is already intimidating, but will see how I do with it. I don't have as much pieces for the base as the original painter had, so again that will be interesting to see how I work it out. Also I will attempt it in a blue dress I think instead of the pale green shown here.

What is also cool is that President Zaphod Beetlebrox ( Blog owner of ) also sent me something extra with the gift. A Painting Buddha tin that held the model for shipping to me! Which is quite ironic considering that I just painted up a Buddha not too long ago! They are now both chillin' on my desk at work here, and generating a lot of comments from my co-workers!

So I was a very happy little blogger yesterday when I received this, and cannot wait until I can get into the model a bit further. Not sure when, but I do need to finish it for an online contest from Brushbrothers forums! Part of their fairy tales and myths contests. I think an Alice from Steampunk Wonderland would fit, don't you?