The final battles of the Campaign were set to be 2v2's and with the Imperial forces losing quite significantly in areas held going into it, the only chance to win the campaign was to win all three of the 2v2's...

Only two of the remaining three campaign games were played this week, and the first to finish was the: Dark Angels & Tau vs Eldar & Necrons. In the end though, when the game was called the Imperium lost on objectives held.

The next game was the one I was involved in. I was teamed up with the IGuard against the Dark Eldar I'd previously beaten in a 1v1 campaign battle and a chaos space marine army from a chap who stepped in at the last second due to someone pulling out of the campaign (don't ask! *sigh*)

With 5 objectives on the board I was confident that we should be able to pull a win if things went to plan. As it turned out, thanks to a vehicle that just wouldn't die and some guys standing on stairs/ladders inside the middle of a fortification (is that even possible? ;)) we couldn't hold enough objectives to claim even a draw.

Had it gone to a draw, I'm confident we would have won as we'd accounted for a lot of the enemy and not taken much in the way of damage. In total I lost one combat squad of tactical marines, one vindicator and 2 terminators. In return I had destroyed a unit of Reavers, two units of berserkers, a unit of wyches, a unit of terminators and typhus (as well as immobilising a land raider with a tank shock - boo yah! and immobilising and ripping the gun off a chaos vindicator... and accounting for an immobilised ravager with a gun missing!).

If we had thought about it, we could have - and should have - contested their two held locations with our vehicles, which we could have done. Sadly with time constraints we were rushing to finish and so overlooked the simple way we could have won. Also if I had positioned the TFC more centrally I could have drawn LoS to the Dark Eldar who hovered in the corner not doing a lot whilst the Chaos army was mauled. If I could have drawn LoS I could have killed a whole bunch of them and stopped them from holding their objective. Bad positioning on my part...

Here our forces begin to move out to capture and hold objectives (marked by the white terminator models). I lost the gun off one vindicator at the start - which you can see making its way to the left - on the next turn it successfully rammed the land raider and immobilised it. Sadly, it remained within 3" of the objective and we couldn't shift it for the rest of the game...

Although not shown here, the tower on the right did have 9 wyches and Lelith in it. They then discovered why the Thunderfire Cannon is so nasty after they suffered 22 S5 *ignores cover AP6 hits from it which turned into 20 wounds.

The Leman Russ was wrecked by some berserkers. You can't see them here because they were wiped out by shooting from the IGuard and my Command Squad before the last guys were overrun by the terminators. The command squad went on to wipe out Typhus later in the game in one round of plasma shooting!

In the grand scheme of things though, it was still a fun battle and by sheer destruction my force again showed just how devastating it can be to MEQ/TEQ armies. I have no idea how it became so effective against them, they just are. Great game all round though and I think everyone enjoyed themselves.