I just love rats... not in an unhealthy way or anything of course. Born in the year of the rat and currently working in a cheese factory, maybe it isn't surprising.

Almost 2000 points of verminous death!

My first miniatures army was Skaven for Warhammer Fantasy, I ended up buying three armies of the little furry chaps in the space of about ten years!
So when Mantic revealed the mysterious 8th race I just couldn't resist! I got the £49.99 army set and managed to build, base and spray them in a single evening. I added a lot of units into the force from my bitz box, such as the two Ravenous Hordes and Shredders who are all converted GW models.

Night Crawlers.

The two Drillers are from a company called Ramshackle Games who make some great vehicle models that really fit into the WARPATH universe rather well. They cost me £15 each, a pretty good deal for such a large chunk of resin.


For my Night Terror and second Night Spawn I found a couple of GW models that did the job rather nicely. Ikit Claw is a Skaven special character who has just about enough armor plating and technological do-hickies (that is a a technical term.) to fit into a sci-fi setting. I removed his back banner and Storm Daemon as the model looked a bit to busy as it was. The Night Terror is just a Hell Pit Abomination straight out the box, I managed to find one for a good price at a local wargame show. You may have noticed that he hasn't been fully painted yet, despite his nakedness I just couldn't resist adding him into this post as he looks so good (and gribble).
My WIP Night Terror.
I have the Night Terror to finish off and a third team of Nightmares to build yet but I have just about reached 2000 points. Next up I want to add some Night Stalkers and a Scourger team. I also want to get at least another two Drillers as they really are the best way Veer-myn can deal with high defense armor and monsters.
In February 2014 Shades Of Chaos will be running demo games of WARPATH at the PAW show in Plymouth. The idea is to have an epic battle with huge armies clashing in a game that will last all day! I already have plenty of Orx and Enforcers but I really want the bulk of my force to be made up of Veer-myn. I hope to have at least 4000 points in time for the show. 

Ikit Claw finds a new home in my Veer-myn army!
  On the tabletop the army works well having won far more battles than lost. The Ravenous Hordes always seem to perform better than I expect them to but then maybe that isn't hard when all you expect them to do is soak up incoming fire. The one unit I am disappointed with is the Shredders who never seem to live long enough to reach the enemy. I also find that the Veer-myn excel at objective based games due to their higher than average speed but don't like meat grinder games where all the other races have weapons with better range, forcing the Veer-myn to make a dash across the board to reach them.

A unit of Shredders... no prizes for guessing what they do.
So that is it for now. Keep an eye on the blog to see if I can reach my 4000 point goal for PAW next year. Also watch out for a Veer-myn home brew post coming later this month, here is a little sneak peek...

Veer-myn Assassin.
See ya.