Today features the work of guest painter Eric O.  He's building a winter themed IG army that uses WWII style aircraft nose art on his tanks!  He used reference photos to capture the feel and the execution is a very convincing simulation of crew supplied art.

 In true fanboy fashion I'm planning to swipe this feature and include it in the Heresy Suppression Force (HSF)!  Of course I'll have to make some adjustments given that the HSF is a female based force...  I'll probably go for a more propagandtastic approach using old recruiting posters for reference but this is where the basic idea comes from.

I like the snow saturated camo  nets and the faux airbrush winter stripe scheme.  He says he made some rough shapes out of card board and held them about 6" away from the model while spraying the stripes.  This yielded great fuzzy edges to the stripes.  I'll be stealing that technique as well since I'm kind of air brush phobic...>.>

The great addition of external crew sets these up to look like they rolled right out of an Eastern Front newsreel.  All in all a really good looking, consistently themed, armored group.  I'll have to keep the various elements of this in mind as the HSF starts getting into gear.

I had to show a few of the infantry just to enjoy the theme.  Here we have a Commissar Yarrik painted in good old soviet style and notice the Anti Vehicle Rifle conversion.  That is really evocative and shows how much impact a very simple conversion can have. There is also some fine freehand work on the sleeves and capes.

 Several more views of the Armored Group I like the snow effects on "Aces High" and the use of the Spade symbol.

Thanks to Eric for allowing me to grab some shots of his work to share.

Now on to more Nurgly Goo...

 A Forge World Sorcerer was in the pile of "to be salvaged" stuff.  It was missing the blade of its Force halberd so I rooted around in the bits bins and came up with a spare Ogre Kingdoms Cleaver to replace it.  I prefer the low tech blade since  its the magic rather than tech.

 While I was painting the Sorcerer and the Rhinos I realized that I'd been describing the brown areas as rust red but I'm really thinking about them as visible evidence of corruption rather than as areas of actual corrosion.  Kind of like a malignant patch on the skin. 

These two got named "Over Easy" and "Pan Fried" but in retrospect maybe "Pain Fried" would have been better!  In any case I think of these things as fragile eggs with a precious and deadly cargo!

Next up Land Raiders, which are a salvage paint job similar to that last couple posts and Terminators but they require a bit of work in the old green stuff and are unpainted and  so will take a shade longer to turn out.

Following that I'm thinking of doing the Konigsmark sisters and the three Brunhildes (from Raging Heroes) to use in a Mordheim game.  We'll see though... best laid plans and all....  there will still remain more Nurgle and that may preempt the sisters for a few more weeks.