So hobby stuff first!
I finished my May commitment for the Hobby Progress Challenge! YAY. I was a bit worried last week when I knew I did not have much time left and a lot to still paint. But I was able to finally find some time between work, after work meetings, and other family and social obligations.
So as you probably remember from my last post I committed to painting 11 drones, 5 XV8 Crisis Suites and a Devilfish this month.
Well it was quite a daunting task but here is the end result...
The models are all done as well as the basing. I did not paint the weapons yet, as I am still not sure what the final load-outs will be, but everything is magnetized so I can always change it later.
I also just realized that I have painted everything in my list for the 1850 points hobby progress challenge, the down side is that is an old list so I still have to change the list to the current codex...
In other good news!
My Mantic Forge Fathers finally arrived from MWG! it only took like 6-7 weeks...
Now for the Nerd Cave update!
My wife kicked my hobby stuff out to the garage a while ago and I have slowly been making progress to improve it.
So before I had 1 table and about 2.5-3 tables worth of terrain. Well I had some buddies over to watch the Ultramarines movie and get some games in so I decided it was time to build another table.
I also decided that I needed to make even more terrain...
So here is a pic of one of the first games on the new table. I have not played on it yet, so I can't speak to how easy or hard it is to use the terrain.
And now for my latest additions to the nerd cave...
I picked up a TV and a Wii for free! Can't beat that deal. So now we can stream Netflix while we play our games. We also have Guitar Hero and a N64 to play for those who are not currently playing a game.
Now you can see that I have been really busy with stuff and finding the time has been an issue. But I have more to work on so you can still look forward to more updates.
Till Next Time!
Dracus Out!