So if you did not read PART 1 you may want to go back and read that first as I am going to just jump right in here.

List 3: IG Armored Battlegroup w/Chaos Marine Allies

We need more armor! (old pic, this is all painted and there is more now)


Company Command Tank
   Vanquisher w/Co-ax Heavy Stubber, Hull Lascannon (I went over this unit in part 1)


Leman Russ Squadron
   Punisher w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons (again a great unit that puts out 29 str 5 shots per turn)
Leman Russ Squadron

   Punisher w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Leman Russ Squadron

  Demolisher (When people talk about how they like the Space Marine Vindicator I always laugh as I have the Leman Russ Demolisher! *MUHAHAHA*)
Armored Fist Squad w/Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher (this unit is a basic 10-man guard unit but comes with a Chimera. It's best to think of them as 1 part of a Platoon)
Armored Fist Squad w/Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher

Fast Attack:


Heavy Support:

Hydra Flak Tank


Typhus (always a badass)


30x Zombies (gotta love a unit of 30 fearless, FnP, scoring unit)
30x Zombies

Fast Attack:

Heldrake w/Baleflamer (AP3 Torrent Flamer? Yes Please!)

I really like this list as it has 60 zombies that will help protect the tanks from charges and deep strikers, plenty of tanks, and 3 flyers. The down side is only 4 scoring units unless we get Big Guns or The Scouring.

List 4: Imperial Guard w/Space Marine Allies

Primaris Psyker 



Fast Attack:

Vendetta w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Vendetta w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Heavy Support:

Leman Russ Squadron

   Punisher w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Heavy Stubber

Leman Russ Squadron

   Punisher w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Heavy Stubber

Leman Russ Squadron

  Demolisher w/Multi-Melta Sponsons (this tank has a 24" death bubble)


Mordaci Blaylock (went over him in part 1)


5x Scouts w/Sniper Rifles, Heavy Bolter


10x Assault Terminators w/TH/SS

Heavy Support:

Contemptor Mortis Pattern Dread w/2 Kheres Assault Cannons, Cyclone Missile Launcher

Those that will not kneel to the Emperor will shall be crushed under the treads of the Imperial Guard.

Now this list is better then the first in the number of scoring units department. With a possible 5 scoring units 2 of which would be Terminators. It is also still strong on the volume of shooting with the 2 punishes and now the Contemptor also. The downside would be that there is less armor so it will be easier to prioritize targets.

I have a few other ideas I am thinking about as well, like throwing out as many Leman Russ Tanks as I can in 2,000 points. I think it would be around 10+ and with the Double Force Org none of them would have to be squadroned if I run the Armored Battle Group.

Till next time! Happy Wargaming!