So I have been extended an invite by Biffomatic to make the drive up to Bakersfield, CA to play in a 2,000 point tournament next Saturday. The only problem I have is WHAT DO I BRING?

I seem to have a lot of options open to me as they are allowing Forge World in the tournament and as I have been running tournaments with Forge World allowed I have not seen any problems with it. On the other hand I have not had the opportunity to play with my Forge World at any tournament thus far.

Do you guys want in the action?

So far the lists I am looking at are:

Codex: Space Marines (w/o Allies)
Codex: Space Marines (w/IG Armored Battlegroup Allies)
Codex: Imperial Guard (w/Chaos Allies)
Codex: Imperial Guard (w/Space Marine Allies)

I am just not sure what to take to be "competitive" in an environment that I am new to. I guess the best answer would be to bring a well rounded list.

I will go ahead and show a couple lists I am currently considering and go over some of the Forge World rules that make them different.

List 1: Space Marines w/o Allies
Mordaci Blaylock (IA: Vol 9) He is a Captain in Terminator Armor who makes Terminators and Assault Terminators Scoring!

This would be your first time seeing action!

5x Scouts w/4x Sniper Rifles, Heavy Bolter, Melta Bombs, Teleport Homer
10x Tac Marines w/Flamer, Missile Launcher, Melta Bombs, Drop Pod

10x Assault Terminators w/10x TH/SS (they are now scoring due to Mordaci, can be combat squaded into 2 scoring units)
Dreadnought w/DCCW, Heavy Flamer, Multi-Melta
Dreadnought w/DCCW, Heavy Flamer, Multi-Melta

Fast Attack:
Land Speeder Squadron
   2x Land Speeders w/Heavy Bolter, Typhoon Missile Launcher
Lucius Pattern Drop Pod
Lucius Pattern Drop Pod (the Dreadnoughts are allowed to assault the turn they disembark for the drop pod. With 2 coming in on turn 1 this can be a nasty alpha strike with 2 dreadnoughts hitting the enemy with multi-melta, heavy flamers and DCCWs.)

Heavy Support:
Predator w/Lascannon Sponsons
*Contemptor Mortis Pattern Dreadnought w/2 Kheres Assault Cannons, Cyclone Missile Launcher
*Contemptor Mortis Pattern Dreadnought w/2 Kheres Assault Cannons, Cyclone Missile Launcher

Typhoons AWAY!

*First off these Dreads are pretty expensive at 215 points each. They are pretty special though. With AV 13/12/10, BS5 and a 5++ save from shooting and a 6++ save in close combat they are pretty sturdy walkers. The Kheres Assault Cannons have the same stats at a standard Assault Cannon except that it is Heavy6 rather then Heavy4 and they each have 2. They are also equipped with the Cyclone missile launcher, this gives them each an astounding 12 Assault Cannon shots and 2 Missiles each turn at BS5! Now lets throw in the real reason they are in the list. Anti-Air Support! The Mortis Dreads gain Skyfire and Interceptor if they did not move the turn before making them hands down the best Anti-Air unit in the game. If a flyer even thinks about showing up within 24" of the Contemptor it will die before it has a chance to do anything. They are also great at helping against Daemons who have been made rather popular since they got the WD update and 6th ed came around. A unit of Flamers or Screamers show up near your lines and get a taste of action before they get to put the hurt on you.

This list is interesting to me in that it fills all of the Fast, Elite and Heavy Support FOC Slots. It also has a nice amount of shooting and scoring TH/SS Terminators that is never anything to scoff at.

List 2: Space Marines w/IG Armored Battle Group Allies
We start out in basically the same way.

Mordaci Blaylock

5x Scouts w/4x Sniper Rifles, Heavy Bolter, Melta Bombs, Teleport Homer
10x Tac Marines w/Flamer, Missile Launcher

10x Assault Terminators w/10x TH/SS
Dreadnought w/DCCW, Heavy Flamer, Multi-Melta

Fast Attack:
Lucius Pattern Drop Pod

Heavy Support:
Contemptor Mortis Pattern Dreadnought w/2 Kheres Assault Cannons, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Contemptor Mortis Pattern Dreadnought w/2 Kheres Assault Cannons, Cyclone Missile Launcher

Company Command Tank
   Leman Russ Vanquisher w/Co-ax Heavy Stubber, Hull Lascannon
(The Company Command Tank has a BS4 and vehicle units within 6" ignore Crew Shaken. If the Co-ax Heavy Stubber hits it grants a re-roll to the To-Hit roll on the Vanquisher Cannon)

Leman Russ Punisher w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons (I simply love this tank for it's pure firepower, it also matches will with a Gatling Gun theme with the Contemptors)

Fast Attack:

Tanks, tanks and more tanks!

So in this second list we lost a Dreadnought with the assault drop pod and the Drop pod from that Tactical Marines, we also lost the Land Speeders and the Predator. What we gained was 2 Leman Russ Tanks (got to love the AV14) and a Vendetta (one of, if not the best flyer in the game at the moment). The additional firepower of the Leman Russ Punisher will make almost any opponent old back a bit longer till it and the Contemptors are dead. With the 3 of them being able to put out 4 Str 8, 24 Str 6, and 29 Str 5 shots each turn at 24" any enemy would be hard pressed to survive that much shooting for more then 1-2 turns. The addition of the Vanquisher really adds the ability to reach out and touch some heavy armor reliably. IT will be hitting on 3+ if over 36" and if at 36" or under the odds are it will be 3+ with a re-roll. And at Str 8+2d6  for Armor Pen and AP2 most vehicles won't last very long, even the dreaded Land Raiders. Heck it might even be funny if I could shoot down a flyer with it.

Stay tuned for part 2!

Till next time! Happy Wargaming!