Reinforcements have arrived for the Sons of Medusa in Austria! More green marine goodness from Nathelis over at Miniature Fairy Tales.

Seems he was quite busy working on this chapter force over the weekend, and was churning out models left, right and center! Wish I could say I was as productive, but I was more on the PS3 than the painting desk.. bad me! It is driving a lot of inspiration to me though for my Dark Angel Disciples of Caliban force though! Similar colors, except mine with a be a bit darker.

Top unit is sporting a Heavy Bolter and Flamer combo, while the bottom unit has double Plamsa trouble. Be it a Plasma gun or Plasma cannon. Both have their Sargent with Power Fists! Scary stuff here!

Expect more of these guys over the coming weeks as he finished more of them, and provides me with more images!

By the way.. just to note.. he is painting these via his speed painting techniques. With an average of 1 to 1.5 hrs per model at the moment! Insane quality for that time frame, and more so since he calls it table top still!

Another piece to be shown this afternoon! Keep an eye out for it!