As the title suggests, I've been off the grid since last week.  A lightning storm killed my internet.

And my couch.  Stupid electric old-person recliner - I was perfectly content with manual models.  Now the recliners are in a permanent state of... excitement.

I won't bore you with my "the ISP took freakin' forever story" as you no doubt have one of your own.  Getting *SELF-EDIT* by utilities is a Universal Truth, along with, "Underwear is never clean in an accident, so why wear it?"

Hey, I don't make the rules.

This is a short post, largely because the technician just left and I have to head back to work.  Here are some pics to try and begin catching up on my posting.

What's this, you ask?  I now have enough test models to make a squad, so what the heck not?  Who knows where Rogue Trader's Space Marines come from - maybe they don't always get together and touch up their armor whilst oiling each other up.

Anyway, the red and yellow Marines were painted largely with the airbrush, though you can't really see the differences in the pictures above.