Had about 1/3 of a game the other night and I'm dying to finish it. I hope I see the guy again. It was getting crazy late here and he must have had something going on because it was taking him 10 minutes to roll one save. A half hour later (at 1:15AM) he said he needed to go afk for 20 mins, so I took some notes, saved the map and told him I hoped to finish another day. Still I learned a lot from what I did get to do.

Here are the lists.

Mine: DEldar Council 1850
Farseer - Jetbike, Singing Spear 120 Fortune/Guide/PsyShriek
Farseer - Jetbike, Singing Spear 120 Guide/Foreboding/ Prescience
7 Warlocks - Jetbike. 1 with spear 355 Empower, Enhance, Conceal, Conceal, Destructor, Quicken, Embolden

5 Dire Avengers - Wave Serpent (Holos, Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon) 210
5 Dire Avengers - Wave Serpent (Holos, Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon) 210
3 Windrider Jetbikers - 1 Shuriken Cannon 61
3 Windrider Jetbikers - 1 Shuriken Cannon 61
3 Windrider Jetbikers - 1 Shuriken Cannon 61

Heavy Support
1 War Walker - BL, Scatter Laser 70
1 War Walker - BL, Scatter Laser 70
1 War Walker - BL, Scatter Laser 70

Dark Eldar
Baron 105

5 Kabalite Warriors - Raider (Torment Grenade Launcher, Grisly Trophies)
5 Kabalite Warriors - Raider (Torment Grenade Launcher, Grisly Trophies)

Heavy Support
Ravager 105

Total 1848

Great Unclean One,
+ Greater Reward (x2),
+ Mastery level 2,
Cost: 255 points.

Herald of Tzeentch,
+ Locus of Conjuration,
+ Mastery level 2,
+ Exalted Reward,
Cost: 125 points.

Herald of Nurgle,
+ Locus of Fecundity,
+ Mastery Level 1,
+ Exalted Reward,
Cost: 125 points.

12 Plaguebearers,
+ Plagueridden
- Lesser Reward,
+ Instrument
Cost: 125 points.

12 Plaguebearers,
+ Plaguebanner,
+ Instrument,
+ Plagueridden
- Greater Reward,
Cost: 150 points.

12 Pink Horrors,
+ Blasted Standard,
+ Iridescent Horror
- Greater Reward,
Cost: 140 points.

12 Pink Horrors,
+ Blasted Standard,
+ Iridescent Horror
- Greater Reward,
Cost: 140 points.

4 Rot Flies,
Cost: 168 points.

5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne,
Cost: 90 points.

Skull Cannon of Khorne,
Cost: 125 points.

Soul Grinder,
+ Daemon of Nurgle,
+ Phlegm Bombardment,
Cost: 180 points.

Daemon Prince,
+ Daemon of Nurgle,
+ Daemonic Flight,
+ Mastery level 2,
Cost: 250 points.

While I haven't gotten to finish this whole battle, a few things really stand out in this match up.

1) A Fortuned Council is hilariously resilient against shooting from units of Horrors. You get a 4+ chance to Deny and you can reroll that. Then the enemy has to roll to hit and then you've got excellent rerollable saves to keep you alive. Any psyker with less than three mastery levels is going to have a hard time shooting witchfire powers at you.

2) Reveal I have found to be incredibly good against Nurgle units. They really rely on shrouded to keep them alive againts guns that can blast through their toughness. Especially the ones without Feel No Pain. It's tough when you have to choose between your 2+ cover and negating the enemy's cover, but there are situations where I think that is worth doing. In my game I gave up Conceal to Reaveal a Nurgle Daemon Prince. Getting himout of the sky would have put him into 4+ cover ruins and Shrouded would put him at a 2+. My chances of shooting him down after that would be slim. I didn't get to finish my shooting in this phase where I'm trying to kill him, but i have a lot more guns left and he only has 2 more wounds. Removing Shrouding should help me put him down so I can get my Council into assault where I won't need a cover save.

3) Witchblades are brutally good against Nurgle daemons. It's funny that they wound an Iron Arm GUO on a 2+. But it's great against basically any of the Greater Daemons, the Princes and the Grinder. If I can shoot a Bloodthirster to death rather than assault it I'll definitely go that route, but wounding so easily is really fantastic against guys who pay so much for good toughness.

4) Ghost helms are for suckers!...sometimes. I rolled double 1s once on a Farseer. I had the Warp Charge to protect myself, but I really wanted to cast Guide too. Enter Renewer. I took the wound on my Farseer and immediately cast Renewer on him to restore the wound. This way I get to cast what I need anyway and I just had to risk the psychic test with a guy I wouldn't have cast with otherwise. Not a bad trade in my opinion...although I might feel differently if the Warlock killed himself on Perils lol.

Current status of the game:

General thoughts:
I need to be careful with putting vehicles anywhere near Horrors. He managed to mutate one of my Warlocks into a Tzeentch Herald with an 11 result on the Warp Storm table. That one Herald proceeded to nuke one of my Walkers who died in a hurry. I see the potential Horrors have though and I'm trying to put him in a position where he has to engage my Council instead. So far his forces are split in two and it looks like I'll focus down the right flank and then pick off the deep strikers when they arrive before moving on his left flank. I just have to keep him away from the two objectives and have enough firepower on both to kill the two Plaguebearer squads when they arrive.