So I’m currently building up my pretty heavily converted Iron Warrior army and since they are nowhere near done I figured I’d bring a fun army to a local RTT. And one that’s mostly painted. This is what I’m thinking:

Primary: Space Marine

Librarian – Terminator Armor, Force Axe, Gate of Infinity, and either Avenger or Null Zone

8 Terminators – Thunderhammer & Stormshield

10 Tactical Marines – Multi-Melta, Plasma Gun

10 Tactical Marines – Multi-Melta, Plasma Gun

Fast Attack
Storm Talon – Assault Cannon, Typhoon Missile Launcher

Storm Talon – Assault Cannon, Typhoon Missile Launcher

Total: 1,115

Allied Detachment: Dark Angels

Belial – Thunderhammer & Stormshield

Deathwing Squad – Cyclone, 5 Thunderhammer & Stormshield

Deathwing Squad – Cyclone, 5 Thunderhammer & Stormshield

Fast Attack
3 Ravenwing Bikers – Plasma Gun

Total: 735

Now, I’d personally prefer to use scout bikers but since I haven’t got any built yet I had to go with the Ravenwing bikers. The idea is pretty simple really. If going first deploy the tac squads, one deathwing unit without Belial, the ravenwing squad pretty central but spread as widely as possible, and the librarian with his terminator friends. If you have the first turn you scout your bikes up as close as possible and as widely as possible and proceed to teleport and deepstrike in 15 Terminator models on the opponents doorstep. You run them and pretty much hem your opponent in for a turn 2 smack fest. The supporting fire from your troops hopefully opens up a vehicle, maybe two and then you go to town. The flyers are for air support to eliminate things like Dragons, Vendetta’s, and Doomscythes. You’ve got solid scoring and some decent mobility thanks to Gate.

If you go second you just try and get as close as you can as well hidden as you can (something you get the chance to do if there is terrain since you set up second) and attempt the same thing. I think it’s pretty fun. You have to kill 10 scoring TH/SS termies and 20 marines while also dealing with flyers and another 8 TH/SS terminators on your doorstep. It should be pretty fun and it gets me out my current rut J