My painted Citadel collection. Safe on the mantle but awaiting a display case! Can you help me source a decent case?

My house is in turmoil as I type. The kitchen lies gutted, one of its walls lays as heap of shattered brick and the contents of the wife's cupboards now spill over the dining room table. Other rooms have been cleared for the builders to advance through, and my Old School collection has been moved, by the order of the non-leadhead, to the mantlepiece to protect them for harm. She's obviously been considerably inspired by her renovations and has even gone as far as to tell me that I am having a glass display cabinet to show off my collection of painted models.

Anyone recommend one? If so please drop us a link or suggestion below so and I will be eternally grateful!

Anyway here are a few pictures of what I have been up to recently. I have had a big eBay splurge over the last couple of weeks. This has been largely down to it being the end of the summer term at school and there being an, apparently endless, array of tasks to complete; school reports, Sports' Day, swimming galas, data transfer etc and by the time I return home I am too shattered to pick up a paint brush. Ebay is an easy 'hobby fix' and I have spent far, far to much and have subsequently deleted the apps from my tablets before the non-leadhead (wife) finds out!

Have a quick look at the proceeds from my splurging in the photograph below.
Note the Third Edition pin badge - it'll look good dangling from my Oldhammer T-Shirt!

What we have here (left to right) Marauder Giant, Marauder Lord of Change, Spined Dragon and, of course, the 1984 Thrud. All these models have been cleaned up and based. The giant and the daemon were multipart kits, and considering their age, fitted together really well and only needed the minimum of pining a green stuffing. Thrud is a one piece and just needed basing but the dragon! Once I started cleaning up the model I noticed just how weak the wings were in places and I doubted that they would hold much wait. So I used very thin plasticard to create a supportive membrane of wing and stuck it carefully underneath the parts of the model that needed it. This helped create a platform on which the metal could rest and I covered this plastic with greenstuff, using my fingerprints to add a little texture. While not perfect, this should at least support the wings and stop the model from disintergrating any further.

A rare glimpse of a little known Lord of Change. Scuplted by Aly Morrison on the early 1990s. He did a Bloodthirster too, but I cannot find an image online. Anyone help?

As I type, all of the models have been sprayed white with Army Painter undercoat. The Thrud model, being almost entirely lead, was a bit of a problem to cover. In the end I used bronze flesh mixed with a little PVA to seal the undercoat as the lead content created real problems with the paint adhering. As you can see from the pictures, I had had a little experiment with painting flesh on the giant, but have paused. I have decided to to try and improve my skin painting and shall try out some new techniques on Thrud first before moving on to the giant later on.

Before I go I have a request from a reader. As you may know, I am trying to track down the whereabouts of some of the old school art pieces that were used to illustrate many a '80s roleplaying and wargaming product. The collections of Jon Boyce and Tim Pollard have been fantastic to view and at least we now know where these pieces are now. I was contacted last week from a collector who has bought what he believes to be a John Blanche original painting.

Here is his message to save me paraphrasing.

I stumbled upon your blog the other day and I really enjoyed reading it.  I started playing GW games in the early 90s and it was a trip down memory lane.  I especially liked your interview with Bryan Ansell, it was a very interesting view of the early creative genius at GW.
I read the article "Where are they now? The Art Collection of Tim Pollard" and I really enjoyed seeing the classic John Blanche pieces in his collection.  After reading this article I was hoping to ask you for some help.

Last year I bought what I think is an original Jon Blanche piece of artwork.  It was from an estate sale and the seller was sure it is an old Blanche drawing called "The Green Man".  It was supposedly on the cover of an old scifi novel from many years ago.  I have attached a photograph of the drawing.  On a John Blanche art blog they have it listed as a John Blanche piece as well:
I really love this drawing and I am insanely curious of any information about it.  Was it really on the cover of a scifi novel?  What is the story behind it?  When was it created?  With all of your connections and experience I was wondering if you knew anyone whom might know a little more about this drawing or give me any advice on researching it.

I am a huge John Blanche fan and this drawing means much to me. I would be extremely grateful for any assistance or advice you can provide. 
Philip Schifano
Well, can any Realm of Chaos 80s readers help provide more information about this piece? If so, please leave us a comment below or email me at the usual address,
