I've been playing around with some ideas and this one struck me as fun. Should work pretty good against anything short of 6+ flyers but here is what I'm thinking:
Traitor Guard (IG)
Yarrick - 185
Veteran Squad w/2 Plasma, 1 Lascannon, Stealth, & Defensive Grenades, Power Fist - 165
Veteran Squad w/2 Plasma, 1 Lascannon, Stealth, & Defensive Grenades, Power Fist - 165
Veteran Squad w/2 Plasma, 1 Lascannon, Stealth, & Defensive Grenades, Power Fist - 165
IG Platoon
PCS w/3 Grenade Launchers - 45
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Power Weapon - 70
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Power Weapon - 70
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Power Weapon - 70
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Power Weapon - 70
Total Pts: 1005
Daemons (Allies)
Herald of Slaanesh w/Musk & Unholy Might - 75
Herald of Slaanesh w/Musk, Unholy Might, Steed - 90
6 Fiends of Slaanesh - 180
20 Daemonttes - 260
Fast Attack:
10 Steeds of Slaanesh - 170
Heavy Support:
Daemon Prince w/Wings, Unholy Might, Musk, Mark of Slaanesh, & Iron Hide - 220
Total Pts: 995
So what this gives you is a very, very solid fire based that includes 70 models that are all stubborn and will likely be leadership 10. You can always blob squad the big unit and make it a CC beast with Yarrick making it fearless and allowing you to re-roll to hit in the first round of CC. The shooting from the IG portion of the list is a little higher on quality of shots vs. quantity which means I might consider switching to autocannons for the heavy weapons on the vets. And depending on how CC and stuff play out I might drop the fists too. This would allow me to fit in a 3 autocannon heavy weapon team which would increase my range st.7 by 12 shots while only losing 3 St.9.
The daemons provide you with a very fast and hard hitting fist. It's 4 units, all of which have hit & run with tons of rending to deal with those pesky terminators that will be popping up all over.
I think it's pretty solid and would be a ton of fun to play. Depending on how many LR's we see on the seen I might need to plug in some melta bombs on the sergeants but I like it. Thoughts?