Well it's time fer a proppa krushin' and da Pain Train is here to do it!
My next project is my biggest build yet. It's a battlewagon of grand proportions. It has a 'Ard Case, Kilkanon, Grot Riggers and, when it's painted, Red Paint Job. I'll let the pictures do the talkin' as they do it better justice.
George da Cybork shows off da mek's newest kreashun.
I started the build with just the prow. It grew from there.
Looted bits and plasticard make up about half of the kit, the other half being GW's battlewagon kit.
A proppa Kilkanon should be ginormous, right? This one is a Manufactorum smokestack. Proppa.
He sees youse weedy lurkin' gits.
So da Orks is back wiv a vengance in this post. Watch this space for more Mean, Green Grot-kickin machines in the next coupla weeks. Until next time, WAAAAGH!