Well I have gotten in a couple more games and holy crap. My codex is good again. In the latest test I
squared off against The Judge and his Space Marines. The beating I put on the Emperors finest was pretty bad. I had two Night Spinners and A shadow Weaver battery in the back field and it was very effective in killing marines. Now I should mention it was a Hammer and Anvil deployment so I had plenty of time to hit him as he advanced.

I am kind of curious about if the FAQ is going to hit the monofiliment rule with the nerf bat. Its kind of worded weird and I have heard some arguments that that AP 1 on the auto wound 6 is only on models with Initiative 3 or less. I think its pretty clear the Initiative aspect of the rule is only for strength. Because of the wording I can see argument against it though.

Battle Focus played a big part in the game for my Guardians and my Warp Spiders. The Spiders took out a vindicator before being blasted by the other one. After one salvo of shuriken fire from one of my 20 man units cut a 10 man terminator unit down to 5 guys. It was pretty brutal. I do have to say that my Autarch was kind of lack luster. I think it is more how I equipped her. I am going to be sticking to my Warp Spider / Striking Scorpion Autarch.

Speaking of Autarchs the Store Campaign started this week. I have established control of my planet and have yet to repel any enemy forces. I am trying to link up with Spellduckwrongs Eldar at present. He gave Lord Solars Steve’s Kreig a major beat down in his first engagement. Inquisitor Vogrin was the first Warlord to get an achievement out of all of us. He must be watched closely.

We have been doing a lot of fluff for the campaign. We all had to come up with a background and such for our Warlord. We had to roll for a Warlord trait at the beginning of the camapign and it would be our Warlords trait for all the games to come. I have four Autarchs painted and equipped differently so I did backgrounds on all four. I choose based on my warlord trait, which is Tenacity, FNP within 3 inches of an objective. So I choose Delbaeth Windsword. For your reading pleasure I present “The Autarchs of Ulthwe”

The Autarchs or Ulthwe

The Craftworld of Ulthwe is guided by the Seer Council lead by Eldrad Ulthran. The Council guides the Craftworld along the skeins of fate to keep it from harm. When faced with battle the Council lends its strengths to the fight, but it is the Autarchs that lead the Craftworlds armies. Ulthwe currently has four that follow the path of leadership. Four Autarchs, with an advisory council of Exarchs from the Craftworlds Aspect Warrior shrines, wield the military might of Ulthwe. They are the best of their brethren. The fastest, the most cunning and the most lethal.

Fotla Starrider

Fotla has tread the path of the Banshee, the path of the Reaper and the path of the Avenger. She retains the mercurial temperament of her first Aspect. She is headstrong and known for her devastating full frontal assaults. She is known as “Vauls Hammer” to the Exarchs. Her close range attacks are preceded by intense bombardment from long range weaponry. She is often at odds with the decisions of the Seer Council especially when it comes to dealing with the Mon-Keigh. Her hatred of the humans is legendary. After the loss of her family at the Hands of the Space Wolves she goes out of her way to destroy them.

Delbaeth Windsword

Dalbaeth is a master strategist. Having tread the path of the scorpion, the path of the spider and the path of the dragon, he specializes in hit and run attacks and infiltration. He wields an army as if it were a weapon in his hand. Striking and feinting, herding the enemy where he wants them. Finally to destroy them utterly. He issues no warnings, shuns adoration and sees war as a task that must be completed without remorse or regret. He is who the Seers call on the most. He does not question the reasons of why and where the Seer tell him to strike. He does knowing that it is for the good of the Craftworld.

Nuada Mir

Nuada has tread the path of the Hawk, the path of the Avenger and the path of the Banshee. He is the calm and often the mediator between the other Autarchs. He seeks balance in all things. He is conservative and cautious when at war. He is often called upon to strengthen positions and guard the armies retreats.

Lugh Fireheart

Lugh is the oldest of the Autarchs. He has tread the path of the spear, the path of dragon and the path of the Hunter. This eclectic mix of paths gives him unique insights in planning a battle. He has tread the path of the warrior and the path of leadership for over 280 years. He has fought hundreds of races and foes in this time.

Until next time.....

Blood Runs, Anger Rises, Death Wakes, War Calls!!!!!!!!!