You may recall last time I said I'd show you some Vets and an HQ. Well here you go. A couple of completed Sterngaurd and half an Astorath.
First up we have a Combi-melta
I'm quite fond of how the soot and the jewel came out
I really do Love me some Purity Seals.
I'll prolly be using this guy as the Sarge in smaller games cause Power Fists is expensive.
So much Purity. Also a skull.
now THIS is a Jump pack.
I am very satisfied with how this came out. Now if I can get Astorath himself this good.
Well there you have it. A couple Vets and some Hero-y goodness. Also, a big shout out to the krew of From the Warp for lettin' me sign up in their massive Blog army. So until next time, Excelsior! See you next week Troo Belevahs.