Braved the heat up in the hobby loft to finish up the Crimson Hunter after work today. All in all I decided to keep it simple, and let the red fade take center stage on the model. It is called a Crimson Hunter, after all! The leather brown from earlier acted as the base for the bone colored panels, weapons and engines.
The canopy got the same treatment as the rest of the vehicles in the army to help tie it all together. On the other hand, the red gems that I've been adding to all the predominantly blue vehicles wouldn't really work against the red on the flyer, so I went with blue gems instead - sort of a reversal of the Alaitoc scheme!
All in all a rather fun model to build and paint - it was amusing to paint an Eldar model in what was essentially the same paint scheme as my old Dark Eldar army! There's not really a whole lot left to paint in the army at this point:
A couple aspect warrior squads, a unit of Wraithblades and a mess o' characters. I'm saving the characters for last, and I think knocking out the Dire Avengers will be next, just to churn through the largest remaining unit. I'm hoping to have the army done in time to put it up on the auction block prior to GenCon, and raise a little extra spending money for the trip!
Eldar – Crimson Hunter Painted
by Mordian7th | Jul 9, 2013